Evolve runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Java 1.6 is required, although the programs generated by Evolve run on Java 1.5+. Unzip the distribution and run the executable, or start evolve.jar directly.
Please note: We are currently working to fully open source the Evolve toolset. We expect to accomplish this by mid-2011. Until that happens, please use the following key to unlock the system: -ldXUdGUqaDWKlldMPfFrhvlb3pQLaGDhTVcBZlWMW6O10E92LUd1B5hC8WntiiNS+VUu8vRXXAfeOuFQQGOZQ33iFf48+GsVk3FRuV2Jmvv7EIMdwSyR7U4BaS4EAMmTRluAbLd8DNB0Svpzw0w2xHMZaFR354k6MwEhixiRLpk=-
The Evolve manual, 15th November 2010. 108 pages, 3.8mb.
The manual contains a complete introduction to Evolve, showing how to use it to create components, wire them up, and to reuse and evolve them. A tutorial is presented of a car rental system, which is eventually developed into a GWT application with a hibernate back-end. All of the components for the entire system were created using Evolve.
The Evolve distribution, version 1.0.2, 15th November 2010. 10.2mb.
This point release fixes a number of usability issues.
Downloading and installing this software indicates your acceptance of the terms of the evolve software license. This basically says that the software is licensed, and that it comes with no warranties.
The files and libraries for Tutorial D, 15th November 2010. 7.6mb.
This contains libraries and source code for the final example discussed in the manual, which uses GWT and Hibernate. It assumes that you have already installed the Evolve system.
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