We recognise that Evolve requires an investment of your time to learn it. To put it bluntly, is this a good investment?
Here are some questions we have been asked.
Learning Evolve will give you a deep understanding of components, modules, object-oriented patterns and software architecture. The powerful reuse and evolution constructs will allow you to build fully extensible software, something that is not possible in traditional approaches.
Evolve will also give you a new perspective on existing approaches of software construction, and allow you to understand how to work around their limitations.
Evolve is a sophisticated environment, that vividly demonstrates the limitations of other approaches. The type of programmer who uses it generally has a deep understanding of the current limitations of creating and evolving software, and is looking for a better way.
Evolve is particularly attractive to architects and developers from companies that produce systems that are customized for multiple (internal or external) clients. Evolve allows them to extend and adapt their systems easily for different requirements, with far less reengineering, and still retain a common base architecture.
Please contact us, we’d love to work with you to add value to the Evolve ecosystem! You might be a student who has a passion for components, a technical writer, a system integrator who wants to integrate Evolve with a new technology, or a training house. We would love to hear from you (and we are not scary at all!).
Absolutely! Evolve is a passion for us, and we have already spent over 5 years working on it and simplifying it. We have structured our company and the project to require virtually no funds to keep it going indefinitely. We work on Evolve as a going concern, and we are committed to a very long time frame. In particular, we are excited about applying Evolve to new technology as it appears, and we are very happy to discuss possibilities and the roadmap with you.
Backbone is open source, but although Evolve is free to use it is not currently open source due to the use of several proprietary components. We are working hard to rectify this and expect to fully open source Evolve by mid-2011.